Our Core Valves


Mission and Our Core Values


"To Encounter God, be changed by God, build community and represent Him everywhere we go through love, righteousness, discipleship and service.


"Live like Jesus , Love like Jesus and lead others to Jesus"

TLH Core Values

1. Presence- One encounter changes everything (Psalm 27:4)
2. Prayer & Worship - Personal and corporate (James 5: 17 -19) (John 4:24)
3. Power - The authority of scripture (2 Timothy 3:16), supernatural works, filling of the Holy Spirit, witnessing
and testifying (Acts 1:8)
4. Purpose - Discipleship, discovering gifts and serving. We are contributors not consumers (1 Peter 4:10)
5. People - People are a priority. People matter. Honor matters (John 13:35)
6. Partners -Partnering with local and global ministries to impact the world. (Luke 10:10, Matthew 28:19-20)
7. Passion - We do everything as unto the Lord with excellence, fully and faithfully with love. (Colossians 3:23)